Spencer Community School District

Go to site - Spencer Community School District http://spencerschools.org/'

School review and Information: Includes vision and mission statements, message from the Superintendent, calendar, employment opportunities, weekly activities, information for each building and bus schedules.

Previous 10 schoolWACO Community School Districthttp://www.wacocsd.org/ WACO Community School DistrictFeatures quick facts about the district, school board information, history, parent letter, mission and goals, and employment opportunities. Located in Wayland.
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Next 70 schoolEmmetsburg Community School Districthttp://www.e-hawks.org/ Emmetsburg Community School District Provides information about schedules, activities, menus, a directory of schools, and faculty profiles.
Previous 70 schoolCreston Community School Districthttps://sites.google.com/a/crestonschools.org/site-1/ Creston Community School District Features a mission statement, staff directory, a calendar, activities, menus, links to the buildings and photographs.
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Previous 170 schoolMontessori School of Iowa Cityhttp://montessoriiowacity.org/ Montessori School of Iowa City Offers preschool through third grade programs. Includes information about the curriculum, parent handbook, programs, admissions and the PTO.

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