Go to site - Veeteretz School of Ukrainian Dance http://members.shaw.ca/g.hanke/'
School review and Information: Includes instructor biographies, news, competition results and details of an annual festival.
Previous 10 school | Parkland School Division | http://www.psd70.ab.ca/ Parkland School Division | Serves students residing on the western edge of Edmonton, including Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Seba Beach. Includes map of schools, student and parent information and transportation details. |
Previous school | East Coulee School Museum | http://www.ecsmuseum.ca/ East Coulee School Museum | A look at the history of the Drumheller valley. Contains details about exhibits, events, hours and rates. |
Random 1 school | Talkington School For Young Women Leaders | http://talkington.lubbockisd.org/ Talkington School For Young Women Leaders | 6-8th Grades. Lubbock ISD. |
Random 2 school | Hancock County School District | http://www.hancockschools.net/ Hancock County School District | (Kiln) Calendar, staff directory, school web sites, mission statement, employment information, and curriculum. |
Random 3 school | The London School of Astrology | http://www.londonschoolofastrology.co.uk/ The London School of Astrology | Details of classes, seminars, location and lecturers, with news and online enrolment form. |
Random 4 school | Sonora Union High School District | http://www.sonorahs.k12.ca.us/ Sonora Union High School District | Sonora High, home of the Wildcats. Founded in 1903. Job openings, District Staff and school calendars can be found here. |
Random 5 school | Dalhousie University: School of Human Communication Disorders | http://humancommunicationdisorders.dal.ca/ Dalhousie University: School of Human Communication Disorders | Offers Masters programs in Speech Language Pathology and Audiology. |
Next school | Afton School of the Arts | http://afton.epsb.ca/ Afton School of the Arts | K-6. Curriculum fits the Alberta Program of Studies for Kindergarten to Grade six, and the school uses dance, art, music and drama to enhance the process. |
Next 10 school | Connaught School - Ecole Connaught | http://www.connaughtschool.ca/ Connaught School - Ecole Connaught | A public French immersion dual track elementary school. |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Sarah E. Raymond School of Early Education | http://raymond.district87.org/pages/Sarah_E__Raymond_School_of_Ear Sarah E. Raymond School of Early Education | The Pre-Kindergarten Program serves children who may be at-risk for academic difficulty. The Early Childhood Special Education Program provides educational and related services for children with special needs. |
Random 5 school | Private School Web Sites | http://www.privateschoolsites.com/ Private School Web Sites | Specializing in web design for boarding schools, day parochial pre-schools, and Montessori schools. |
Next 70 school | Mozart School of Music | http://msmvan.com/ Mozart School of Music | Private instrument and voice classes located on the UBC campus. Offers list of classes, faculty, calendar, news and online bookstore. |
Previous 70 school | Gordon Elliott School of Motoring | http://www.gordonelliott.co.uk/ Gordon Elliott School of Motoring | Provides driver instruction throughout Lanarkshire. Includes a profile of the instructor and information about lessons. |
Next 170 school | Rainy River District School Board | http://www.rrdsb.com/ Rainy River District School Board | Administers public school education in the northwestern District of Rainy River. Includes calendars and maps to each of its schools. |
Previous 170 school | Tara school of hypnotherapy | http://www.tara-hypnotherapy.co.uk/ Tara school of hypnotherapy | Based in Liverpool offering correspondence and hands on hypnotherapy training. |