Go to site - The British International School of Stavanger http://www.biss.no/'
School review and Information: Providing education through to IB Diploma Preparatory Year, with a preschool for children from 18 months old. Also includes details of community programs and activities organised by Friends of BISS.
Previous 10 school | International School of Luxembourg | http://www.islux.lu/ International School of Luxembourg | Information about the school, their beliefs about education and their programme. |
Previous school | The International School of Stavanger | http://www.isstavanger.no/ The International School of Stavanger | Offers an international university prep curriculum that combines features of the North American and European systems. Enrolls pre-School through grade 12. News and information about faculty, curriculum, facilities, and activities. |
Random 1 school | Bennett County School District | http://www.bennettco.k12.sd.us/ Bennett County School District | Photos, activities, and links. |
Random 2 school | Cleveland Municipal School District | http://clevelandmetroschools.org/ Cleveland Municipal School District | Provides school board and administration information, student and teacher resources, links to district schools. |
Random 3 school | George Mason University School of Law | http://law.gmu.edu/ George Mason University School of Law | Provides information about the School of Law, located in Northern Virginia. Includes news about the School, admissions information, a calendar of events, and discussion boards for students and faculty. |
Random 4 school | The American School Of Kinshasa | http://www.tasok.cd/ The American School Of Kinshasa | Delivers the University of Nebraska American Curriculum from pre-Kindergarten to High School Diploma in Grade 12 in Congo. |
Random 5 school | |||
Next school | American International School of Krakow (ISK) | http://www.iskonline.org/ American International School of Krakow (ISK) | Pre-K through 8th grade, American style, in Krakow, Poland, operated by the Consul General of the United States, under the aegis of the US State Department. |
Next 10 school | BBC News: Russian School Siege | http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/world/04/russian_s/html/1.stm BBC News: Russian School Siege | Collection of illustrated reports about the hostage taking and siege at a school in Beslan in September 2004, including discussion of the aftermath. |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Putnam School District | http://www.putnam.k12.ct.us/ Putnam School District | List of officers and staff, board of education, job postings and school links. |
Random 5 school | Alburnett Community School District | http://www.alburnettcsd.org/ Alburnett Community School District | Home of the Pirates. Features general information, school calendar, schedules, newsletters, school board minutes, annual progress report and links to the buildings. With photographs. |
Next 70 school | Cullinghood School of Riding | http://www.cullinghood.co.uk/ Cullinghood School of Riding | Offers horse riding tuition, hacking and residential riding holidays. Includes location map and contacts. |
Previous 70 school | Thuringia International School - Weimar | http://www.this-weimar.de/ Thuringia International School - Weimar | Overview, location, contact details and a newsletter from this international school. |
Next 170 school | The Old School Toller Porcorum | http://www.oldschooltoller.co.uk/ The Old School Toller Porcorum | Offers four self-catering cottages. Includes online booking, local attractions, contact details, location map, gallery and visitors book. |
Previous 170 school | Brent International School Subic | http://www.brentsubic.edu.ph/ Brent International School Subic | Primarily a college-preparatory institution, to prepare students for admission to the universities or colleges abroad. Covers academics, activities, administration, admissions, alumni and faculty. |