Go to site - AMAPA Field School of Archaeology http://www.uv.es/amapa/geninfo.html'
School review and Information: Fieldschool and volunteer opportunities to work at archaeological sites in Spain. The main focus are the first agriculturalists in West Mediterranean.
Previous 10 school | Dolores Gende at Holy Innocents' Episcopal School (Atlanta) | http://dgende.homestead.com/index.html Dolores Gende at Holy Innocents' Episcopal School (Atlanta) | Sites for her high school physics, AP physics, honors physics, and astronomy courses. Syllabi, lesson plans, problem solving skills, projects, tutorials and annotated science resources. |
Previous school | Cardiff University: School of History, Archaeology, and Religion | http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/share/ Cardiff University: School of History, Archaeology, and Religion | Offers undergraduate and graduate programmes. Includes details of the academic staff and their research, recent research reports, conferences and commercial services. |
Random 1 school | South O' Brien School District | http://www.soswolverines.org/ South O' Brien School District | Features the board of education, academics, activities, events, staff and schools. Located in Paulina. |
Random 2 school | Jefferson County School District 509J | http://www.jcsd.k12.or.us/ Jefferson County School District 509J | Links to administration, local schools, news and information. |
Random 3 school | Central Consolidated School District #22 | http://ccsdnm.education/ Central Consolidated School District #22 | About district, administration, personnel, schools, and technology plan. District covers the western half of San Juan County and has three geographical areas: The Fruitland/Kirtland area, the Shiprock area, and the Newcomb/Naschitti area. |
Random 4 school | Caulfield School of Dance | http://www.caulfield.bc.ca/ Caulfield School of Dance | Port Moody, British Columbia - Ballet (RAD), jazz, modern, tap, and Chinese classical. Also offering acting, singing, and musical theatre classes as well as workshops with guest instructors. |
Random 5 school | St. Mary School System | http://www.smss.org/ St. Mary School System | Paducah. Provides a parent/student handbook, school calendar, course descriptions, athletic handbook, daily bulletin, employment opportunities, alumni, and contact details. |
Next school | The American School of Classical Studies at Athens | http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/ The American School of Classical Studies at Athens | Resource for American scholars of the language, literature, art, history, archaeology, and philosophy of Greece and the Greek world from pre-Hellenic times to the present. |
Next 10 school | Higher School of Economics (HSE). National Research University | http://www.hse.ru/ Higher School of Economics (HSE). National Research University | Staff, structure, schools, faculties, departments, college, study, research areas, key figures and facts, institutes, centers and laboratories; projects, seminars, journals, working and policy papers, databases. Moscow. Branches: St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod, Perm. |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Perry Community School District | http://www.perry.k12.ia.us/ Perry Community School District | Provides general information, links to the buildings, staff directory, calendar, menu and class reunion page. |
Random 5 school | Lawrence County School District | http://www.lawrence.k12.ms.us/ Lawrence County School District | (Monticello) Calendar, school web sites, administrative directory, menus, district report card, and contact information. |
Next 70 school | North Carolina State University, School of Public and International Affairs | http://spia.chass.ncsu.edu/ North Carolina State University, School of Public and International Affairs | Home of North Carolina's largest and first-accredited program in public administration, also covering non-profit administration, with master's and doctoral degree programs. |
Previous 70 school | Chemistry, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield | http://www.hud.ac.uk/courses/supporting/chem/ Chemistry, School of Applied Sciences, University of Huddersfield | Provides details of undergraduate chemistry degrees and information on postgraduate study. |
Next 170 school | Queen's University of Belfast - School of History and Anthropology | http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/SchoolofHistoryandAnthropology/ Queen's University of Belfast - School of History and Anthropology | Profile, students, education and research. |
Previous 170 school | Christchurch School of Music | Choirs | http://www.csm.org.nz/choirs/ Christchurch School of Music | Choirs | Offers a choral programme with two weekly choirs, the Junior Children’s Choir, the Christchurch Children’s Choir and two project choirs, the Atlas Voices and an Honour Choir. |