Go to site - Brockport High School Physics Labs http://www.frontiernet.net/~jlkeefer/phys_labs.html'
School review and Information: Nearly 40 lab experiments which could be used as demonstrations or ready-to-go labs.
Previous 10 school | University of Reading - School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | http://www.smps.reading.ac.uk/ University of Reading - School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences | The department offers award winning undergraduate courses and postgraduate research opportunities. |
Previous school | Practical High School Physics Lessons | http://mb-soft.com/public/phys0.html Practical High School Physics Lessons | Useful applications of physics knowledge. Basic and advanced discussions of fairly common questions which can be addressed by physics considerations. |
Random 1 school | IMDb: High School Reunion 2003 | http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346292/ IMDb: High School Reunion 2003 | Cast, crew, and production information. |
Random 2 school | Anderson's School of Tae Kwon Do Inc | http://sites.google.com/site/atkdbeta/ Anderson's School of Tae Kwon Do Inc | Explanation of style, instructor biographies, belt ranks, terminology and techniques. Includes class schedule, news and events, black belt club, photographs and links. [Greer, Woodruff and Spartanburg, SC] |
Random 3 school | Santa Maria Joint Union High School District | http://www.smjuhsd.k12.ca.us/ Santa Maria Joint Union High School District | Board of trustees, departments and resources. |
Random 4 school | Sumter County School District | http://www.sumter.k12.fl.us/ Sumter County School District | (Bushnell) Administrative directory, calendar, school web sites, district news and profile, community information, and employment opportunities. |
Random 5 school | Carlisle Area School District | http://www.carlisleschools.org/ Carlisle Area School District | Provides calendar, newsletter, employment opportunities, strategic plan, departments, and school links. |
Next school | The Brockport High School Science Department | http://www.frontiernet.net/~jlkeefer/science.htm The Brockport High School Science Department | Information for students and teachers such as how to study, lab assignments, short tutorials, AP physics schedule, and links to helpful science sites. Brockport, New York. |
Next 10 school | Bangor University: School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology | http://www.bangor.ac.uk/history/ Bangor University: School of History, Welsh History and Archaeology | Provides information on the school, the undergraduate and graduate programmes, research, news and events |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Mupu School District | http://www.mupu.k12.ca.us/ Mupu School District | Santa Paula area school directory, administration news, and contact information for the district office. |
Random 5 school | Centennial Independent School District #12 | http://www.isd12.org/ Centennial Independent School District #12 | Serving Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington, Lino Lakes. |
Next 70 school | Connecticut Association of School Psychologists | http://caspweb.org/ Connecticut Association of School Psychologists | A state affiliate of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Mission statement, publications, related links, job opportunities. |
Previous 70 school | Environmental Inquiry – Authentic Science Research for High School Students | http://ei.cornell.edu/ Environmental Inquiry – Authentic Science Research for High School Students | Ecology research projects for high school students and teachers designed by Cornell and Penn State University. |
Next 170 school | University of Teesside - School of Arts & Media | http://www.tees.ac.uk/schools/SAM/history.cfm University of Teesside - School of Arts & Media | Overview, undergraduate and postgraduate programs, newsletter, job vacancies, and prospectus and information request. |
Previous 170 school | St Margaret Mary's School Spotswood | http://www.smmspotswood.catholic.edu.au/ St Margaret Mary's School Spotswood | Catholic primary school. History and contact details. |