Go to site - Bluebell School Of Dance http://bluebellschool.homestead.com/'
School review and Information: Specialising in Russian ballet, tap and contemporary dance for children and adults. Shows, teachers, classes and dress code. Kent.
Previous 10 school | International School of Lausanne | http://www.isl.ch/ International School of Lausanne | Co-educational day school for students aged three to eighteen in Pully. |
Previous school | Paraiso School of Samba | http://www.paraisosamba.co.uk/ Paraiso School of Samba | Organises samba classes, percussion workshops, events, costume making and carnival arts workshops, and educational projects through the year to prepare for Notting Hill Carnival. Guide to shows, booking information, and details of membership. |
Random 1 school | Stafford Municipal School District | http://www.stafford.msd.esc4.net/ Stafford Municipal School District | K-12th grades. Features links for campuses, administration, history, TAAS, UIL, community, and alumni. Stafford MSD. |
Random 2 school | Chugiak High School Class of 1976 | http://www.chugiak76.org/ Chugiak High School Class of 1976 | Alumni, and 10-year, 20-year, 30-year reunions. |
Random 3 school | Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies | http://rspas.anu.edu.au/ Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies | Australian National University Canberra. |
Random 4 school | Golden Gate University School of Law | http://law.ggu.edu/ Golden Gate University School of Law | Provides information about the School of Law's environment, options for specialization, dual degree programs and emphasis on practical skills. |
Random 5 school | BiTS Business and Information Technology School gGmbH | http://www.bits-iserlohn.de/ BiTS Business and Information Technology School gGmbH | Staatlich anerkannte, private Fachhochschule: Vorstellung der Hochschule, Informationen über die Studiengänge und Abschlüsse sowie weitere Informationen zur Karriere und zum Kontakt zu Unternehmen. |
Next school | Scottish School of Contemporary Dance | http://www.dundeecoll.ac.uk/?the_scottish_school_of_contemporary_dance.xml Scottish School of Contemporary Dance | Contemporary techniques, classical ballet, choreography and related courses for dancers. Located in Dundee, Scotland. |
Next 10 school | The Driving School Directory | http://www.driving-schools.co.uk/ The Driving School Directory | Directory offering a search facility and related links. |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies - School of Celtic Studies (Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh) | http://www.celt.dias.ie/ Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies - School of Celtic Studies (Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh) | Institute devoted to the advanced study of Celtic language, literature and culture, with particular attention to Irish. Bilingual site (English and Irish). |
Random 5 school | Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology | http://www.hchc.edu/ Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology | Brookline, MA. Educates men for the holy priesthood of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and other Orthodox Christian entities, as well as men and women for leadership roles in Church, chosen professions, and society. Includes overview, admissions, academics, library and campus life. |
Next 70 school | Alderley Edge School for Girls | http://www.aesg.co.uk/ Alderley Edge School for Girls | Independent girls school. Takes children form 3 - 18 years. |
Previous 70 school | The High School Rathgar | http://www.highschooldublin.com/ The High School Rathgar | Provides information and news about this co-educational secondary day school. |
Next 170 school | Cornelius Vermuyden School Class of 1986 | http://cv86.co.uk/ Cornelius Vermuyden School Class of 1986 | Details of reunions, pupils, teachers and photos. |
Previous 170 school | inlingua School of Languages Pte. Ltd. | http://www.inlingua.edu.sg/ inlingua School of Languages Pte. Ltd. | Offers instruction in numerous languages. Includes information on methods, courses and tuition. |