Go to site - Frenz School Inc http://frenzschool.org.nz/'
School review and Information: Est une association caritative néo-zélandaise opérée par un groupe de parents volontaires, qui s’est donné pour mission la mise en place d’une éducation bilingue franco-anglaise à l’école de Richmond Road à Auckland.
Previous 10 school | Oxford Intensive School of English (OISE) | http://www.oise.com/ Oxford Intensive School of English (OISE) | Voyages et stages de formation linguistique à l'étranger pour jeunes et adultes. Présentation des formules, des écoles, de la méthodologie pédagogique et de l'entreprise. |
Previous school | The Balkan School of English | http://www.balkanschool.com/ The Balkan School of English | Cours pour enfants et adultes. Présentation, tarifs. Neuchâtel. |
Random 1 school | University of Texas School of Architecture | http://soa.utexas.edu/ University of Texas School of Architecture | Information about the school, its curriculum, community programs, events, publications and current architectural news. |
Random 2 school | Aberdeen University School of Medicine and Dentistry | http://www.abdn.ac.uk/smd/ Aberdeen University School of Medicine and Dentistry | Offers degree courses leading to the MBChB degree. Covers information about the school for current staff and students as well as prospective ones. |
Random 3 school | Wayland-Cohocton High School Library | http://www.wccsk12.org/hs_library/library%20web%20page.htm Wayland-Cohocton High School Library | (Wayland, NY) Library information, electronic databases and research assistance. |
Random 4 school | St John's Catholic School for the Deaf, Boston Spa | http://www.stjohns.org.uk/ St John's Catholic School for the Deaf, Boston Spa | Information for parents about the school and its activities; extracts from OFSTED report. Children's section. |
Random 5 school | Inishfree Dallas School of Irish Dance | http://inishfreedallas.com/ Inishfree Dallas School of Irish Dance | Serves the greater Dallas, Texas area, with classes in traditional solo, set and figure dancing for adults and children. |
Next school | New Lacanian School (NLS) | http://www.amp-nls.org/ New Lacanian School (NLS) | Site officiel de cette école membre de l'Association Mondiale de psychanalyse (AMP). La NLS regroupe des Sociétés et groupes de Belgique néerlandophone, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, Grèce, Israël, Pologone, Arménie, Portugal, Allemagne, Danemark. Site bilingue français/anglais. |
Next 10 school | International School of Bologna | http://isbologna.com/ International School of Bologna | Presentazione della scuola di lingua inglese e dei corsi offerti. |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Fort Walton Beach High School Viking Band | http://www.fwbhs-band.com/ Fort Walton Beach High School Viking Band | Features calendar, photos, news from the Band Parents Association, forms, information about the Symphonic and Concert bands. |
Random 5 school | Emerson/Taylor-Bradley School District | http://www.etbsd.org/ Emerson/Taylor-Bradley School District | School board minutes, salary schedules, district financial information, and school calendar. |
Next 70 school | Oecumenishe School Molenwijk | http://www.bs-jenaplan-molenwijk.nl/ Oecumenishe School Molenwijk | Oecumenishe basisschool voor Jenaplanonderwijs. Algemene informatie, uitleg van de Jenaplanmethode, schoolgids, weekbrief, kalender en foto's. |
Previous 70 school | |||
Next 170 school | |||
Previous 170 school | Smyrna Middle School Wrestling Team | http://smswrestling24.tripod.com/ Smyrna Middle School Wrestling Team | Provides results, schedule, roster and photos from this Delaware youth wrestling team. |