Go to site - Wikipedia: International School of Management (ISM) gGmbH http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_School_of_Management_Dortmund'
School review and Information: Informationen über die private, staatlich anerkannte Fachhochschule.
Previous 10 school | Business School für Management & Vertrieb München | http://www.bs-muc.de/ Business School für Management & Vertrieb München | Das Unternehmen bietet Verkaufstrainings von Ärzten und Apothekern für Pharma- und Medizinprodukte an. [D-80538 München] |
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Random 1 school | Bocconi University School of Management, Italy | http://www.sdabocconi.it/en/ Bocconi University School of Management, Italy | Offers generalist MBA and specialist MBA in International Economics and Management. Also other masters programmes in small business, corporate finance, fashion management, and sports management. |
Random 2 school | A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management - University of California, Riverside | http://www.agsm.ucr.edu/ A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management - University of California, Riverside | Offers MBA and business administration programs. |
Random 3 school | The Brooksbank School Sports College | http://www.bbs.calderdale.sch.uk/ The Brooksbank School Sports College | An 11-18 years comprehensive school; information about curriculum, policies and the sixth form. |
Random 4 school | Clinton Community School District | http://www.clinton.k12.ia.us/ Clinton Community School District | Features the board of education, policies, calendar, the curriculum, human resources, transportation and links to the buildings. |
Random 5 school | East Stroudsburg Area School District | http://www.esasd.net/ East Stroudsburg Area School District | (East Stroudsburg) K-12 district serving students in portions of two counties. In Monroe County, the district serves East Stroudsburg Borough, Smithfield Township, Middle Smithfield Township, and Price Township. In Pike County, it covers Lehman Township and Porter Township. Site provides district report card, employment opportunities, policies, board minutes, administrative directory, and school links. |
Next school | International School of Management (ISM) | http://www.ism.de/ International School of Management (ISM) | Die ISM in Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, München und Hamburg ist eine staatlich anerkannte, private Hochschule in gemeinnütziger Trägerschaft und bildet in kompakten, anwendungsbezogenen Studiengängen Führungsnachwuchs für die international orientierte Wirtschaft aus. Die Website informiert über Studienrichtungen, Studienablauf, Zulassungsvoraussetzungen und weitere Themen rund um die Hochschule. |
Next 10 school | Delta School Windhoek | http://www.delta-school.com/ Delta School Windhoek | Die Schule für deutsch- und anderssprachige Kinder informiert über Fächerangebot, Aktuelles und Personalien. |
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Random 4 school | California STAR School Summary Report | http://star.cde.ca.gov/star99/reports/41/68932/English.html California STAR School Summary Report | 2000 results for Laguna Salada Unified School District |
Random 5 school | Gary Community School Corporation | http://www.garycsc.k12.in.us/ Gary Community School Corporation | Offers information on the districts 41 schools. |
Next 70 school | Hyper articles en ligne (HAL) Rouen business school [Neoma business school] | https://hal-rbs.archives-ouvertes.fr/ Hyper articles en ligne (HAL) Rouen business school [Neoma business school] | Le Centre pour la communication scientifique directe (CCSD) du Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) présente l'archive ouverte qui permet le dépôt en ligne des travaux scientifiques et leur consultation, par date, auteur, domaines et type. [Accès sécurisé gratuit] |
Previous 70 school | New School of Comic Arts | http://www.comicschool.de/ New School of Comic Arts | Die Comic Kunstschule erläutert die Kursangebote in allen angrenzenden Bereichen. Von Fantasy, SF zu realem Comic-Design. |
Next 170 school | Amsterdam School of Real Estate | http://www.asre.nl/ Amsterdam School of Real Estate | Initiatief van de vastgoedsector, rijksoverheid en Universiteit van Amsterdam. Een overzicht van de opleidingen en onderzoeken. |
Previous 170 school | Harrison High School Track and Field | http://hoyatrackandfield.homestead.com/ Harrison High School Track and Field | This website includes all of Harrison High School's track and field information, along with links to Georgia 5A 2001 Girl's XC State Champions |