Go to site - Law School Admissions: Your Questions Answered http://www.uky.edu/Law/prospective_students/faqs.html'
School review and Information: Drusilla Bakert, Associate Dean for Admissions at University of Kentucky College of Law, provides information about the law school admissions process.
Previous 10 school | University of Virginia School of Law | http://www.law.virginia.edu/ University of Virginia School of Law | Contains information about the School of Law's academic programs, news and events. Includes specialized programs in Environmental Studies; Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy; Law and Economics; Oceans Law and Policy; and National Security Law. |
Previous school | Law School Connections | http://www.lawschoolconnections.com/ Law School Connections | Donna M. Mancusi provides law school admissions consulting services, including personal statement editing and school selection assistance. |
Random 1 school | The University of Akron School of Law | http://www.uakron.edu/law/ The University of Akron School of Law | Provides information about this public law school located in Akron, OH. Includes features on Intellectual Property studies, clinical programs, trial advocacy programs, bar preparation, and feedback from alumni. |
Random 2 school | Madison School District #321 | http://msd321.com/ Madison School District #321 | Links to school web pages, information about trustees, networking, school lunch, and calendar. |
Random 3 school | Freeport Area School District | http://freeport.k12.pa.us/ Freeport Area School District | (Sarver) K-12 Butler County district serving students in Sarver, Freeport, Buffalo and South Buffalo. Site provides health bulletins, calendar, registration information, district news, curriculum, and school sites. |
Random 4 school | Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials | http://www.sasbo.com/ Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials | Aims to promote and assist members towards the efficient administration of school board management in Saskatchewan and to establish and maintain the highest possible standards of proficiency, skill and knowledge among school business officials at all levels. |
Random 5 school | Stockholm School of Economics | http://www.hhs.se/ Stockholm School of Economics | Offers a MSc, international graduate, PhD, and executive development programs. Research carried out by the Economic Research Institute. |
Next school | Law School Numbers | http://www.lawschoolnumbers.com/ Law School Numbers | Database with current and historical data on application results. Search results by applicant LSAT score, GPA, and minority status, to view admissions results. |
Next 10 school | California Western School of Law Library | https://www.cwsl.edu/student-life/library California Western School of Law Library | Private library that opened in 2000 and is only open to law students and members of the bar. Contains books, volume, serials, microforms, computer software, audio and video tapes. |
Random 1 school | |||
Random 4 school | Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart | http://www.stoneridgeschool.org/ Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart | A Catholic college preparatory school for girls (prekindergarten through 12), and coeducational (prekindergarten and kindergarten). Information about weekly events, academics and helping opportunities for volunteers. |
Random 5 school | Aspen School District | http://www.aspenk12.net/ Aspen School District | Links to schools, sports, policies, bus schedules, and calendar. |
Next 70 school | Minnesota State High School Debate Tournament | http://www.mshsl.org/mshsl/activitypage.asp?actnum=405 Minnesota State High School Debate Tournament | Results, sectional divisions, rules, and judges guide. |
Previous 70 school | Southern Illinois University School of Law | http://www.law.siu.edu/ Southern Illinois University School of Law | Provides information on its clinical, joint degree, lawyering skills, and student support programs, along with journals, law library, and contact details. |
Next 170 school | Durrow, School of | http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05214a.htm Durrow, School of | Irish Dairmagh, Plain of the Oaks. Situated in the King's County, a few miles from the town of Tullamore. |
Previous 170 school | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies | http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=BSO Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies | Carries studies of the languages, cultures and civilizations of these regions from ancient times to the present. |